VS-1880 Question.....


New member
Ok here goes,

I originally recorded a demo with a band using a VS1880 digital recorder. Upon finishing this demo, I made a CD Archive of the song/fader movements/effects/etc so that in the future if I wanted recut or remix a track or two I could have that ability...... I was wondering if there is any software out there available that reads this Roland format? The reason I was pondering this question is because I dont have access to the VS1880 anymore and this guy I know wants to sample just the vocal track.

Do I need the digital recorder to transfer or record the files into another format (namely, Cakewalk or Cubase) or can I get away with finding software that reads the roland data?

Any insight into this is greatly appreciated.


AL Fugazi
as far as I have been able to tell there isn't any thing that will read vs data. I have heard people talk about a product for the 880 a while back called vs transfer that was supposed to read data, but the company went under or something like that and so did the program.