Voyetra Digital Orchestrator Pro

Im in a worse boat, I use Digital Orchestrator Plus. I also have Power Tracks Pro and N-Track but I seem to prefer the layout of DOP. Im in the process of building a new computer for recording only, and will be moving up to 24bit and DOP doesnt support that and I doubt they will. Ill probably go with N-Track.
Supposedly, there will be a new version of DOPro someday that supports VST plugins like Cubase and higher bit rates, etc.

I hope so, cuz' I prefer the DOPro layout to other sequencers.
I use it too. Got it at Best Buy because it was a lot cheaper than some of the other programs out there. I like it but have never tried any of the others like cakewalk etc.
IS this program easy to use? I have a copy of it but I have never used it. I use little to no MIDI. Does it do audio tracking at all?

Dear Dop User,

I own and have used the following:
CubaseVst24,Emagic Platnium,Calkwalk 9.0,
Digital Orchestrator Pro

And out of all of the above I preferr
the layout on Digital Orchestrator Pro
the best...In my Opinion the editing
flexibility is much better than the rest.
Of course you cant use vst plugins with
this program...but you can always use
SoundForge to access them if need be,
so its not a biggie!

Hope they upgrade Dop soon, if not..
im still sticking with it!!

After looking into Cubase VST, Logic Platinum, and Cakewalk 9, I'd have to say I still prefer many aspects of DOPro. Sure, it's audio capabilities are limited by today's standards, but I use it mostly for audio. I prefer DOPro's layout. I just wish it had the VST's and Drum editor from Cubase.


Maybe when (if) they update it, something like that could happen...
Hey, I have tried Cakewalk and hate it. Can you explain to me whether I should try VDOP? What is it capable of? Just to give you some contrast, I think Sound Forge 4.5 is great --- but the whole layout and command structure of Cakewalk seems bizarre and unnatural.