Vox Tonelab users?

Jef Gibbons

New member
Just wondering if there are any users of this device. I can't seem to find anything about it on the net, are there forums somewhere for it? It seems a lot less supported than the POD Xt, but it could be a great device... any ideas or opinions?

I should mention that I know all of the technical details, I'd just like to see some user reviews beyond all the places that are selling it.
I tried it out, compared it to the old POD, and Amplitube, and believe it or not, I liked Amplitube the best! Guess I'll save my cash for now...
I A/B'd a POD2, J-Station, V-Amp, Revalver, Amplitube and the Vox Tonelab.
Of the software, Amplitube seemed more real to me.
Of the Hardware, the Tonelab seemed to be the most realistic.
Overall? I felt the Tonelab to be the winner in a BIG way.
