Vox Phantom-shape guitars

Hey sorry sub only saw your post now!

Nope, No luck so far.
Im still keeping a lookout though!

- idgeit
thanks for the link :), i dont think that they have the old classic white on white one im looking for. (its basicly the old joy divison version that ian cutris had, but without the built in effects. Eastwood were doing copys, but i think they stoped making them.

Thanks again
- idgeit
Good timing, idgeit! I'd been off on tour and hadn't checked this forum for weeks!

Starving Musician couldn't help you? I've noticed an original all-white Vox Phantom Stereo XII in Guitar Center's Hollywood store vintage section. Fair condition and they only want $2395.00! No wonder it hasn't moved.

I've tried to contact Phantom Guitar in Oregon to set up a visit when I'm passing through, but they never returned messages. Tried some at the Ed Roman store in Las Vegas and was not impressed; felt like they had zero set-up before being put out on the floor.

Keep Googling and Yahooing to find another Eastwood...

Best wishes,

Jim Smith (real name) pvjsmith@cox.net
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Eastwood Phantom Dealer!

Dear Idgeit,

I had trouble getting on Starving Musician's site, so I telephoned. I was told they still have an Eastwood dealership and the Phantom-style guitars can be ordered, including all-white!

Call Dan at (408) 554-9041 for prices and delivery schedule.