Vox Ad50

Masters Of War

New member
Just got this amp a few days ago and I have a few questions. How do the effects on the ad50 stack up against other peddle effects? They sound pretty decent to me. Is there some way I can send my signal through these effects (without being amplified), out to my DD-20, and then back into the amp? Also I'm looking to get a really clean reagge style guitar sound, could any one suggest a good set up to acomplish this? Any help would be great, thanks.
Hi, the effects are okay, but not quite on par with good pedals. I like the reverb, delay and auto-wah on mine.

I don't think you can route the wet signal into something else as you indicated.

For reggae sound, maybe the Tweed 4x10? Play around with the settings, this amp needs to be experimented with a bit.