Volume for a Mix...


New member
I am currently working with Cubase SL 2.0 and am have several MIDI tracks near completion. While mixing the tracks for balance seems to be fairly intuitive by ear, I did have a question about volume levels. How loud should I pump up each part? Or should I setup the mix at low volume levels? How can I keep everything at a "relative" volume level with other tracks while allowing for volume changes? I'm new to mixing and mastering,
no duh...

Thanks for any suggestions....

As far as MIDI velocity goes I aim for an average of 80... so I have 47 steps up to go (MIDI velocity is 128 steps: 0 to 127).

As far as audio volume I aim for mixes that peak no greater than -6db for total sum at mixdown.
Cloneboy Studio said:
As far as MIDI velocity goes I aim for an average of 80... so I have 47 steps up to go (MIDI velocity is 128 steps: 0 to 127)


Most interesting midi sounds change substantially when played with increasing (or decreasing) velocity. It is the unusual synth these days that has no ability, for example, to open the filter with increasing velocity so the sound becomes brighter or to introduce an unheard layer for the top quarter of the velocity travel.

This is why we were given cc 7 - to bring down the total volume of the synth without needing to get note velocity involved at all.

While I don't disagree with you I am not WRONG. MIDI has 128 steps. How one uses MIDI can't really be wrong. Whether one uses CC's or not can't be really wrong.

What you post is true but I think you are off base saying I'm 'wrong'.
Cloneboy Studio said:
What you post is true but I think you are off base saying I'm 'wrong'.

I'm going to have to put that on the list. It sounds like something our fearless and never-wrong leader George W. Bush might say.

If you're going to answer questions here, you're going to be wrong sometimes unless you never go out on a limb. The question was asked, you gave a wrong answer and I corrected you. I wanted to make sure the original poster saw that we disagreed and saw my answer.

You, my friend, have a very thin skin.