Voice over audio clips


New member
Hi Gidge, Tex and all who have helped me get this far since I began this venture. Well, I have 4 clips on my site now - the above two recording using a condensor mic Technica 3525 the bottom two with a dynamic mic, Shure sm58- I'd like comments on that aspect; can you year the difference? Better or worse? And any criticisms you may have. You hear yourself enough times and you lose perspective after awhile. So I'll be looking forward to your comments. Thanks. Joan
Sorry, forgot the LINK

It would be good if I posted a link, wouldn't it? www.joanhallhovey.com/Voice.html
That's New Brunswick, Canada, by the way,.

Hi Gidge, Tex and all who have helped me get this far since I began this venture. Well, I have 4 clips on my site now - the above two recording using a condensor mic Technica 3525 the bottom two with a dynamic mic, Shure sm58- I'd like comments on that aspect; can you year the difference? Better or worse? And any criticisms you may have. You hear yourself enough times and you lose perspective after awhile. So I'll be looking forward to your comments. Thanks. Joan
Well I'm more used to reviewing music than spoken words but here goes... You needed some harmonies on this one and the guitars were too midrangy and dominating everything... Oh wait... There I go again... :D

Seriously, I listened to the "Listen to the Shadows" clip. I can only listen on cheap headphones, so I comment too authoritatively on the fidelity. But I did pay attention to the spectometer and it seems that it was recorded quite well. Some of the "T's" and "S's" cut through a little hot. I would say that it wasn't a problem, but it's something to pay attention to in the future. Were you using a pop filter?