Vocal/Music removal in these given conditions...


New member
Some of you might already have a thought of " Now there's another stupid newbie who thought complete vocal removal is possible! Let me enlighten him! ".

But, hold on...

Consider these situations :

You have :
1. An original sound track.
2. Music of a portion of the sound track.

Is it possible to remove the music only and leaving the vocals there?

I'm working this on the genre Eurobeat, so it has the intro and the ending the same actually [ which part of it has some other vocal or stuffs like that, but basically has no big differences ]. So I'm working up to do so. But I did not succeed so far. If I did succeed, it will help very much in my work! Thanks!!!

I have tried NOISE REDUCTION in Cool Edit Pro 2 but only to have disappointing results of lots of artifical effects... I thought it was coincidence but then it was not, I got the answer.
Some of you might already have a thought of " Now there's another stupid newbie who thought complete vocal removal is possible! Let me enlighten him! ".

Uummm... I'm still thinking that, actually. :p
Usually if there is a track with any kind of reverb to the vocal you can't remove them..You will always get the echoe type sound. And it also depends on how the track was recorded center ect...
it is impossible to remove vocals from music, and i would say it is impossible to remove music from vocals as well. that is without seriously effecting everything else. all vocal removers do is remove the frequency range that vocals are in. i will tell you that guitars, cymbals, and things of the like are in the same frequency range. so, there you go! if you want to properly remix a song, you have to get ahold of the original tracks. and that could end up costing you a fortune.

> all vocal removers do is remove the frequency range that vocals are in. <

This is not true. For the complete story go to my Articles page:


Then look for "The truth about vocal eliminators" about 1/4 way down the list.
