Vocal Mix

Totally from a production point of view...it's way too loud for the music and you need to cut between the words where I can hear you drawing breath. Then you need to EQ the very low end of the vocal where there is noise.

Hey Mart, too loud for the music? i don't think..
This was just a test, so no problem about the breath..
The noise is from Fast Track USB's preamp but soon i will upgrade to Pro (& i will order a new mic)..
I agree. the vocals should come down quite a bit. Also, all the instruments sound distant while the vocals do not.

I'd at least put a HPF on the vocals. I'd also suggest using a pop filter.
Distant because i used the original backing track of this song..

HPF? What is this?
I was holding my Sennheiser E825 in hand.. I will upgrade soon..
Vocals are too out front and sound too "separate" from the music.

Do like Tay Zonday and "move away from the mic to breathe in"
it is the official backing track of Given Up (Linkin Park). I can't make the vocals aren't so "separate".. But i think it sounds ok..

Yes i know. It was just a test recording, but in some parts i want the breath (as the original song)..

btw thanks for the tip :)