vocal mike levels too low


New member
i am using an audio technica atm41a and have the pro tools LE 6.4 with M Box...going thru a Boehringer UB1832 FX Pro monitor...the vocal levels are way too low in the mix...is there a template for levels? should everything be at 0 ?...how do you record with levels initially...drums at 7? vocals at 10? (0)....thanks
Here's a quick way to setup levels...

1. Set all your fader levels that you want to record to "0"
2. Adjust trim knob until your input level for each instrument almost lights up in the red.

If you do this for all instruments, it will give you a good base to go form since all of your instruments will be roughly the same volume.

*Then just mix to taste*
Assuming you're recording 24-bit, you DO NOT want to record at "0." That's too hot. Try somewhere in the -12 to -6 range.
set at 0 is why i cant hear vocals

i will try -6 to -12 range..is there a rule of thumb that drums are a certain volume and bass and keys another and vocals somewhere else when recording initially?
no, not really. It all depends on the microphone, how loud the source is, and microphone placement, along with many other things. What you really want to do is just adjust the trim to get as hot as possible without going in red as gabritton said.
With drums you need to be careful of transients (quick volume peaks), especially if the drummer is not consistant. Recording in the yellow is perfectly acceptable for 24-bit. You want to leave a little headroom. Going into the red may be too much.

Oh, and it's "mic", not "mike."
There is no template for a good mix. If there was, everyone would be good at it. If the vocals are too low in the mix, turn them up. If you can't, either the music is too loud, (so turn everything down) or you didn't get a good level while recording. (stop that) If you insert a compressor on the vocal track, you can use the makeup gain to add more level.
keys and vocals will usually sound louder in monitor room if you are recording live and all the gains are roughly at the same level. Think it is just the frequencies that we can hear best or something.