Vocal mics

read the sticky thread at the top of the Microphone forum, or go here: http://www.freewebs.com/tekker/harveygerstmicthreads.htm
and click on "The Big Mic Thread". It will take a while to read it all, but it seriously is the best thing you will ever read about mics and which ones to use for what purpose and how to use them. It is a long article, and will take you a long time to read, but you will read it again and again and again.
Derek Verner said:
Shure SM-57 and SM-58 are the best buys.
Most people here would disagree quite strongly on that one. The sm57 is a gold-standard for micing guitar amps, but either one for vocals are pretty limiting for recording. Live is another story. Condensor mics are much much better, and you can get budget condensors for the same price as the sm58/57 (ie SP B1)
cstockdale said:
Condensor mics are much much better(ie SP B1)

That's just not true... not that wide of a generalization. It depends on the singer and style. Although I do probably use a cond more often than a dyn, that sm7 I mentioned sees a ton of action, and is more than capable of holding it's own with any cond you can muster up. Depends on the style. Even a 57 can be the perfect mic for a particular song/style. Not very often, granted, but it *can*!!

Understanding the strengths and limitations of equipment is important and helpful, but generalizing is counterproductive and scary.
I have no issue with the sm7, I agree, and yes, sometimes dynamics are the right mic, I really just missed putting the word "generally" in front of my statement. On average, a condensor will give you a better vocal track than a dynamic.

I was primarily commenting on the sm58 or sm57 as being "best buys" for vocals. I used a 58 for a year, and have redone all my vox (and other singers) using a SP B3 and it sounds much better. The 58 has a real nasal midrange boost, and doesn't "breathe". There may be a place for the 58 in a recording, but if I had only one mic for doing vox, and had little dough, I would go for a condensor again.

If I did a lot of jamming and needed a mic for live use and some recording, I would get a sm58 and then rent a condensor for a weekend and redo all the vox I had recorded with the 58.
I like AKG dynamics, also, Omen. Which ones do you use? My impression is that the better your preamp is, the more useful dynamics become. If you have a cheap preamp, a cheap condenser will usually yield the best results. If you have a real good pre, dynamic vs. condenser becomes a matter of taste, and you'll make the decision on a song by song basis.-Richie