Vocal Issue


New member
First, I want to point out that I started to have throat tension while singing this song again... I did lip rolls for 10 minutes.

How long should I do vocal warmups? ​

When singing to a song... I feel like I start trying to sing in that singers voice/key... which leads to throat tension... why is that? When I sing acapella I have my own singing voice and do not have the tension.

You might be singing in a key that is too high for you and straining your voice.
I warm up with easy songs - take me about 1/2 hour.
My warm up CD I use before recording is about 1/2 hour and has 10 or 12 exercises - the roll things are first.
Oh, the program I have I think has like 12 excercises too.. I just thought lip rolls would do the most. I didn't even consider warming up to every single warm up. I guess that is my first step.