Vocal effects help


New member
I need a vocal for a song to have an airy, kind of erie feel to them. Or maybe something with a long decay on it. Can I do that with the following equipment and how do I do it? I have some ideas but wanted some pro advice.

equip list:
I dont have either of those so I cant tell you the exact settings but you probably want to find a preset for a Large Hall Reverb or a Vocal Plate.

Either of those will give you that much overused, muddy, washed out home recording vocal sound :)
If you want it erie, you can try with a cold reverb with a long decay time and low dry sound so the singer seems lonely and far away.
Have you ever tried to set a nice reverb and take away ALL of the dry sound. Now thats erie... The clearness goes along with it of course...
Yo Etunes: {you know if you married a girl named Luun, she'd be a LuunEtunes?} [I couldn't resist.]

But, doesn't your Roland unit have a built-in reverb?

If so, check out the "manual" [I hate to use that word because the manuals are really collections of engineers' words completely unorganized in compositional structure.] and see how to "tweak" the reverb.

The suggestions given by other site members will work too.

When I use my MD8, I have two reverb units plugged into it and can do some interesting things because I can use different settings and well as tweak/program the settings.

My 2816 has a gaggle of reverb rooms and the "Stage" reverb works quit well for vocals; however, I'm just learning that box and it is fun.

Twiddle the dials and you'll come up with "just what you're after."

Green Hornet
:D :D :p :p
I have the Boss BR8, which is a step down from anything roland, but more than adequate for my purposes. Anyway, Its got hundreds of programmable effects on it. Programable being the operative word. Choose any kind of hall reveb and then just tweak the parameters. Between the compression, reveb, delay, chorus and EQ, you can get it to do what you want.
You can eq the track too so that it is more distant from the rest of the instruments. Panning can help this effect too.