Viva Argentina! And on a Dano, no less!

Kelly Dueck

New member
Here's a song about the situation in Argentina. It features a Danelectro DC-59 DI'd into an Aardvark Pro 24/96. I miced the vocals with a CAD M179. Mixed in Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.0. All other sounds are soundfonts played with a Casio keyboard off of a Soundblaster Live! Only the bass, kick and overheads are programmed. Everything else is played "live."

Any suggestions?
Being an Argentinian, I thought the lyrics were a little too one-dimensional. The problem with Argentina has been the ridiculous changing of the guard every 3 weeks. This has broken a proud, talented nation of people.

The musicianship was good, but I must tell you...
It was almost like thumbing your nose at the situation by the upbeat, rollicking tempo.
Like the people in Argentina are morons or somthiing.

Sorry..Just didn't dig it.

Sorry, no slight intended! In fact, my intention was the opposite and was meant to be a bit of a tirade about the poor economic leadership that Argentina has suffered under. It must be way beyond frustrating to have one's economic hands tied the way the average Argentinian has.


Hey Kelley:

After re-reading my response, I suppose I was a tad touchy.
I should have said that the idea/concept was good.
Now I still don't think the music fits the lyrics, but that is because the lyrics were more omnious than the music.

And you know what? You are right.
The Argentine people are well-educated and cultured, but what good does that do you when there is no elections held?

In a tip to my friend Camn, I should name my band
"Coup Of The Day"

No offense taken, Kelley!

As a non-Argentinian, I thought it was great!

Perhaps as a fellow canadian, who also knows what the IMF is, I can sympathise more.
I get the song, and the viewpoint, though viewing your profile helped.
Political satire/commentary can be tricky.
Also, with a similar recording setup (minus the aardvark) I can also sympathise with the song, rollicking tempo and all.

The mix - too much panning for my taste, although I am listening on headphones.
What is the organ? That's not bad for a soundfont, I think.
Liked the direct guitar, gives it a nice 'sproingy' quality.

Vocals are alittle Billy Bragg-ish.
Suits the song, though. At least you didn't go the Bruce Cockburn route!

And about Soundfonts - do you buy yours, or go the freebie route? I'm pretty sick of all the good ones I got off Hammersound. They're good enough, especially a great Rhodes that I found, but I have been tempted to try some of the commercial ones.