Visited Fullsail


New member
Yes I am back...hahaha..

Ok went to visit fullsail.. With a very very bad attitude.. Ever since I let yall get into my head that this place wasnt worth it i wrote down a hundred questions to ask and scrutinize.. I must say they impressed me.. Not soley with there equipment becuase they have 2 studios valued at over 3 million each.. But the teachers were very knowledgeable.. They had an answer for everything I asked.. People walked in and were amazed, my brother in law walked in and was amazed... I wasnt happy with the school until the end when they spoke nothing, and i mean nothing but the truthe.. They openly admitted they cant do nothing but teach you and they told students, the job salary's well, average job salary's for every major... Audio career's lows are 24k-119k from they dont lie... I was very happy with the end speech they made about it.. About how you arent going to know everything and also about how getting into the entertainment industry works.. As for the non-believers, next month 6 songs are being nominated fro grammy's that full sail students engineered.. I couldnt believe some of the positions these students held.. But this place is worldly recognized.. There was a kid from australia, alaska, newjersey, tennesea, and probably more... Those were all the kids I talked too.. I met a professor at USF on the plane ride that was very familiar with fullsail and told me about it... There were no students there on the day we had to tour so the next day I went there just to talk to the students and get there opinions... I was one of the few that had alot of experience recording I will say that.. Cuz most of those people were very amazed when they saw a console or there equipment.. I was a little harder to sell.. I absolutely fell in love with the apartment, its right across the street haha.. Orlando has to be the nicest place Ive ever been.. Tha place is alive everywhere.. The loan is 4% over 20 years fixed rate.. And then you can still consolidate it to a 30 year loan @ 4% according to my sister and pay like 60.00 a month.. In the end, it made me happy, I went there to tare that school apart and see if you guys were really right saying those things.. Well, MY mind is made up.. Just letting you know what I thought from going there.. I went on 2 tours also.. Seen everything... There studio A is something to see in person.. They have a set of yamaha speakers that skyline studios have, and there were only 50 pairs manufactured in the world.. Amazing..
Full Sail

Found your comments interesting. I am a recording student at Cal State Dominguez Hills in Ca. Everyone bad mouths Full Sail there too. From what I've heard the equipment might be great but there isn't enough hands on and obviously if everything always works none of the students learn trouble shooting. Our school on the other hand teaches you the basics and then cuts you lose. Not only do we have to record ADR, Foley, Sound effects and ambient sound for student films as well as bands digital, analog and surround but we are constantly rewiring, touble shooting and hooking equipment back up since another student probably changed the whole set up before you got there, but we have some of the best faculty who have been in the business 20 plus years. Plus I am assuming the program at a university is alot longer and we have clubs on campus that give students contacts and internships and tours of major recording studios in L.A. You just can't beat a real college degree. Their were probably already a hundred comments on this forum about Full Sail but I just found the site tonight. Thanks for reading!
Everything you mentioned they have at fullsail.. Surround mixing, recording ambient sounds as well as dubbing all kinds of music.. Their job placement is a very nice program and has been given 3 awards.. Lmao 6 students are voted for emmy awards next month.. Im pretty sure they are accredited since there were people there from australia, alaska, tennesea, NJ, NY, MA.. I think ina recording aspect this program is the same if not better then a university.. Im only saying that because I have talked and been ona tour here at umass lowell which is supposed to be one of the best schools on the east coast for sound engineering and fullsail offered all of that with the power to back up their program.. And as for the hands on I can personally guarentee that I will have more hands on time then you will have in your 4 years at that university.. I only say that becuase lab time is 28 hours a week.. and class is 15 hours a week.. It is a really really intence school meant for people who are serious about it.. I remember someone from this board telling me it would be better to have experience before going to school so you would know what you want to learn.. I really believe him and my knowledge of recording is pretty extensive compared to some.. You cant hold a job while attending, your in school more then 45 hours a week.. Ive found no reason to bad mouth this school, as I have found no reason to bad mouth umass lowell or berkley university.. My only problem with them was the fact that you had to attend them for 4 years and their tuition cost was more then fullsail.. I was approved with my stepfather as a cosigner for 4% loan on 40k for 20 years.. Now thats for living expenses and everything.. actually it came out to a little over 38k... But I wont use all the money they're giving me.. Hey who knows maybe ill get a record deal and pay it off that way.. anyway it translates to 234.00 a month which isn't that bad compared to what my sister is paying lol..
Thirst said:
Im pretty sure they are accredited since...I think in a recording aspect this program is the same if not better then a university..

I think it has been established that FullSail is accredited to award two year degrees, not bachelor degrees.

I would hope it's the same if not better than a general university's program from a recording aspect or else there would absolutely no reason to choose it over getting a real degree.

I would just say I hope you don't want to do anything else and make a competitive salary or you will be most likely be starting over in a more traditional program.

That said, I'm glad you found it to your liking. Have fun and get excited to use some cool ass gear!
