Virtual Instruments

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New member
First let me apologize for a long post.

I record using Digital Performer on an iMac. I have an old 1996 Ensoniq keyboard for piano, brass, strings, etc. but I'm sure that the VST's out now sound much better than my keyboard's internal sounds. I've heard about MOTU's MachFive, Native Instruments' Komplete and Kontakt and ID's SampleTank to name a few.

I got a little bit of an education at Guitar Center this past weekend talking with the Pro Audio guy. He realized that I don't even need the player that come with most of these programs since I still want to use Digital Performer. Guitar Center has these softwares available:

Komplete 5 - $400
Komplete 6 - $500
Kontakt 3 - $310
Kontakt 4 - $380 (not in stock)

I use Line 6's POD Farm for electric guitar and EZ Drummer for drums so I don't know if either of the Kompletes would be over-kill. And as far as Kontrakt 3 or 4 I'm not sure what the big differences are.

I think no matter what software I choose, I'll be light years ahead of the internal sounds in my keyboard. I don't record to often but hoping that will change this year. I just want good sounds but don't need to hear every little creak the the violin player's chair makes. Someone even mentioned just getting patches but I don't know good from bad, where to get them, and wonder if it's more cost effective buy a bundle pack.

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