Virtual guitar amps/analog guitar amps

Well that's's "better" to you, but again, you miss the point about tube's go nothing to do with "accuracy" and "less noise". :)

Hey wanna be really inspired and almost see and feel god practically in the room with you......?

No need for meditation....just plug a guitar into a dimed EL34 or 6V6 tube amp and hit a few notes and chords.
Try that with a DSP! :D ;)


It's like can get off just as easy with a Playboy magazine as you can with the centerfold model in front of who cares about the difference.
Really.....? :p

I think your whole statement is coherent, in that it shows a clear lack of understanding, and a simple mind, that wants to

1) Listen to inaccurate sound, thinking it is superior to digital, doing the same distortion.
2) As you do not appreciate a pure sound, you do not appreciate a pure mind, and ofcourse that would be the ghosts I am talking about.
3) You do not understand the difference between god and a guitar.

Your posts make you look real stupid here. Maybe in a lesser place, you think you just was cool. And well, ending your posts with how you get off to **** mags, pretty much says what level you are on.

The rest, who has a mind, can listen to my soundexample. And I have done the most fantastic guitar-solos here, with my DSP. And old shitty amps, can go back to 1950s where they belong. ;) Probably in the same trashcan they make things sound like. Have you ever heard drums on an old Elvis album? That is tube ;) It is a reason why they called them "cans". Even some having a real trashcan in their kit. ;) Ofcourse through the very pre-hifi tubes, people probably couldn´t tell the difference.

Peace Be With You.
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Btw, I probably made this old soundfont-sample sound better than this dudes amp every did:

"Aint everybaddy who kan tel de difference".

I'm now 100% sure you can't really tell the difference....'cuz that sound file example doesn't sound anything even close to any good tube amp tone. :laughings:

You've only made yourself believe that you can improve on something that many have tried and failed....which is why tube amps are still plentiful (more than ever in past history) and why discriminating players will almost always prefer the amp over any sims or DSP sounds AFA tone is concerned.

Go play with your synths and DSPs....and your "pure sound". :facepalm:
Not only that, didn't this start as virtual guitar for live use? I think even the most hardcore tube honks mostly agree that sims and modelers can work great for recording. Using them live is where they fall way short for most players that want to play guitar and not just make noises.
yep ..... that was the subject and after listening to Olga's clip I wonder if he even plays guitar since I don't hear anything remotely useful for a guitar player in that first clip.
I would like to see that....I guess you don't care about killing the tranny on the Marshall, since it's not going to see any speaker load.

Or are you saying something else....?
He SAID he could do that virtually since doing it in real life would be bad.

Dude, that sounds horrible. Horrible and better don't work together.....

:laughings: so true!

Look ..... the ones getting defensive in this thread are the sim-guys. Everyone who prefers tube amps has said that 'if it works for you then go for it" ...... and I'm positive that we all feel that way.

Personally I find grabbing one of my amps for a gig is easy as hell with zero possible problems. No setting up ..... no 'puter problems ..... nothing. Plug it in and play.

And at the same time I'm positive that I can record stuff using a modeler and no one would know it's a modeler because I've done that .... and with old antiquated modelers too.

Just use what works for you but don't be trying to define either way as 'better' ........ if you like sims ...... awesome!
If you like amps ..... awesome.

Just make some good music and, for Gods' sake, don't make anything like those two useless hideous clips from the land of reindeer.
Look ..... the ones getting defensive in this thread are the sim-guys. Everyone who prefers tube amps has said that 'if it works for you then go for it" ...... and I'm positive that we all feel that way.

Just use what works for you but don't be trying to define either way as 'better' ........ if you like sims ...... awesome!
If you like amps ..... awesome.

I'm a sim guy, and I didn't get defensive. But I get what you're saying.

For me it is about getting a sound with what you have. Sim, live, whatever, how one gets it is less important than the results. If I had good amps, you bet you a$$ I would use them. Somehow, someway I wouldn't let that money sit around and rot. :cool:
I played out on an Ensoniq DP/4 in its day, connected to a mixer, connected to fairly good amp and speakers. It had guitar inputs. Wildy much better than an old amp, designed like it was in 1950 is not impressive to me, nor "godlike". Pure indeed.

That was a long time ago though. And guitar is not my main instrument, but playing that gave a very impressive sound.

While I rarely use guitars now, the thought of sitting down with an old amp, with no effects, limited frequency range, and little else, is not very appealing.

And quite frankly, technically, the transistors have long ago moved away from that type of technology, so what dodgy stuff goes on in there, one can wonder.

"Trannys" sound like a relevant expression :)

Peace Be With You.
After that shit-awful soundclip you posted, it's pretty obvious that you are in your own little delusional world. But that's cool. Whatever floats your boat. Let me know if you ever play in the Houston area so I can be sure to not go anywhere near that venue on that night.
....guitar is not my main instrument...

....While I rarely use guitars now.....

Then really....WTF are going on and on for about how much "better" your DSP stuff sounds than a real tube amp??? :rolleyes:

It would be like me debating that I understand what makes for the best violin tones....yet I don't really play violin all that much...but I'm still going to insist that some synth-based violin sound is better….because it is more "pure", or some such nonsense.

Man...what a crock of crap.

Maybe you should let the guitar players be the real judges of what makes for "better" guitar sound....'cuz the stuff you seem to think sounds better than a real amp....actually sounds like total ass. I do see that not a single person has said they like how it sounds, or that they think your DSP sound is better than a real guitar amp you need to reevaluate your listening.

I don't say that just to insult you and your DSP skils....but honestly, it just shows that you have NO clue what makes for a great guitar tone, so all this stuff you are BS.
I'm sure Greg knew....he was just being creative for Ove's sake. :D

Yeah I got that when I read his whole post. I didn't see the suggestions below the question first time around. I honestly didn't know though :laughings: I am dumbass.

I actually have DSP and DSP Variation buttons on my Yamaha Keyboard but never press them as they don't do anything audible. Never gave a thought for what DSP meant though.
thing is ....... keyboard players don't use tubed guitar amps. There may be a few exceptions but, in general, for keyboards you don't want distortion that much which is why they go into what amounts to mini-PA's or simply direct into a PA.
For them most of the time a sim likely would be better than a tubed guitar amp but that has no relevance to guitar players at all.
I often wonder why some people want DSP things to sound better so badly. The same goes for a lot of things in audio. Some people just seem to feel that they HAVE to use a computer to do something, even if they're not quite sure why they need to. What's the problem with real amps sounding better? They're really not that much of a pain.