Virtual guitar amps/analog guitar amps

Guitars: Gibson and Fender, Amps: Marshall and Fender. That's the way God intended it. Don't piss God off!:spank:
I'm sure you're just joking. ;) You could say the same about half the acts in stadiums these days and might not be far off. I mean even Rush was using backing tracks when I saw them last time.
I was in row 3, TSO were definitely playing. Check out some of the videos I shot

Actually I wasn't joking. I never thought that they didn't play actually play it at some point. When you have that much going on, that much talent, lights, etc. you try to reduce the risk to the show. I wasn't being disrespectful when I said it either. What if the guitar player had some kind of cut on his finger, I think everyone here knows, playing the guitar with a sore finger affects your playing.
We need Lt Bob to weigh in on this. No one on this site gigs or has gigged as much as that guy. We're all talking out of our collective asses. He plays to a different crowd than I do, but I'd be interested in knowing what he sees out on the trail.
Yeah ...... I'm still doing maybe 250 gigs a year and a lot are hired gun things where I see a variety of rigs.

I haven't seen a single working player use virtual sims like Amplitube or anything like that at all ...... not one.
Even in the big time theater shows like Disney and such where you'd think they'd use sims they always have a small amp down there mic'd.
I know there are shows that use them but down in the trenches I simply haven't seen them.

I have seen a few players use modelers which are technically a hardware sim and on some of my very quiet gigs I'll use a modeler like a POD myself.
But I don't really see many of those either.

And I'm not close-minded ..... I've been saying the day's coming when sims and modelers take over for good .................. but amps are WAY the preferred way to get guitar sounds out in the live world.

I'd love to have that Fractal unit but seriously, I'd still hafta carry some sorta amp and speaker so I wouldn't really be getting out of carrying stuff.
I just want it 'cause it's supposed to be awesome in some ways.
Haha boob has spoken.

I agree about the Fractal thing. They're supposed to be awesome. But like you I'd want to use it like an amp. That means a cab. And also, they're mega expensive. More expensive than a good little amp, even a good little modeling amp. So while they may sound great, you're not getting any cost or carrying gear benefits.
I'd REALLY like to have one of those Kemper Profiling amps. They're so cool. I'd take that baby into a GC and the old vintage gear shops and steal the essence of every good amp in there.
I'd REALLY like to have one of those Kemper Profiling amps. They're so cool. I'd take that baby into a GC and the old vintage gear shops and steal the essence of every good amp in there.
yeah ..... those things look cool as hell, .. well .. ok they're really ugly!
But the way they work and what they do sounds like something that's gonna make a big impact as more and more impulses taken from great amps show up in the forums dedicated to them.
It's gonna end up where there's well-done impulses of everything.

And-d-d-d-dd .... anytime someone comes up with something cool that's expensive someone else does it for less.
5 years from now there'll be equivalent units that cost 500 bucks.
yeah ..... those things look cool as hell, .. well .. ok they're really ugly!
But the way they work and what they do sounds like something that's gonna make a big impact as more and more impulses taken from great amps show up in the forums dedicated to them.
It's gonna end up where there's well-done impulses of everything.

And-d-d-d-dd .... anytime someone comes up with something cool that's expensive someone else does it for less.
5 years from now there'll be equivalent units that cost 500 bucks.

That's where I think the future of modeling lies. Impulses. Forget "sims". Forget completely artificial digital algorithms that simulate an amp and cab. Impulses are where it's at. They already work awesomely for reverbs and cab simulators. It's like you're taking an invisible DNA sample of something and cloning it.
LOL@ gerg having an orCOSM about impulses after 9 pages of raving against sims.
Does anyone here know what Trans-Siberian Orchestra use for their guitars? There are no amps on stage at all, all the sound comes from the PA.
Chris Caffery uses Les Pauls and a Flying V-style guitar (and a strat for one song), Joel Hoekstra uses Les Pauls mostly.

Yup. Just did the show last week.
He uses a EVH 5150 mark three into an isolation cabinet miced up with a Shure SM57.
He has many effect that are switched via a ground control.

Amp, cab and effects are all under the stage.

You really ought to come to few shows with me, Mike. :thumbs up:
There's lots of uses for pods/mods/ and in the studio world....
...but getting back to the OP, the notion that amps are going to disappear in the near just a wild assumption. :D

I've heard the digital/software war cry way back in the ' analog was going to be dead soon, tubes were already dead, amps were dying, tape was long dead....and all of that stuff still gets used, most of it regularly, but even something like tape recording is far from dead. It mainly left the home-rec front where for awhile it was the only show in town until DAWs emerged...but in the more pro world and some home studios, it too is still alive and well.

Guitars, guitar tube amps and guitar players (again, talking about the guys who play guitar-focused music) have been a happy combination for about 70 years now...and that's not something that will quickly change from this point forward just because there are pods-n-sims these days.
That would be like the Harley guys giving up their bikes for something more convenient and comfortable. ;)
Pot and loud amps. What more could one ask for?

Well, I do like loud amps. But I'm not into pot. It's a dumb drug. Like alcohol. They're both dumb. I think that if you're going to get fucked up, do a real fucking drug like PCP or heroin. Man up, pussies.
Wow, I missed out on my own thread! Lol I was in sessions for the last few days, not guitar but marimba. I told him he didn't need that old vintage thing, he could use modern technology and ditch it. ; )
No, I've known that he is an idiot for several years now. I don't need to venture into the cave to have it confirmed.

I like playing political tennis with him when I venture into the Cave.....we rarley agree, but at least he's not a dick when he responds to opposition a few Cave fanatics tend to be.

Outside of the Cave....he's usually pretty normal. :D
I like playing political tennis with him when I venture into the Cave.....we rarley agree, but at least he's not a dick when he responds to opposition a few Cave fanatics tend to be.

Outside of the Cave....he's usually pretty normal. :D

I can only think of maybe two or three of the old-guard cave regulars that aren't complete twats.

Talking politics in the cave is like trying to give yourself head. Win or lose, you're pretty disturbed.