Virtual Drum machines...


New member
Anyone have a favorite vst drum machine? Battery 2 for NI is interesting, any opinions? and I know there are always opinions. What are you using?
What's cool? What's not cool...

Steinbergs' Groove Agent is amazing.Check the Demo out at their website.
Probably the best software purchase I've made(apart from SX 2) - matt :) :) :) :)
for a standalone freebie that sequences real wav samples.
search under my name and add hotstepper.
its not vst but is really neat. you build tracks in it like drums, bass, synth using real samples. when finished import into your favorite sequencer.

Hey there!

Man, I'm so newcomer on Cubase... I'm already making some musics, recordings, etc... but I don't know how to add new VST!!

Well, I did download some VST... (*.dll 's I guess, right?) but I don't know how to make them work!!!

How can I add those new Instruments?

Am I missing something?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

The Getting Started guide for Cubase has a tutorial on activating and using a VST instrument. If your new to Cubase, you should find the tutorials in that guide helpful. If you installed the VST instrument properly, and in the VST plugins folder that Cubase uses, that VST should be available to use in Cubase. The first step in activating a VST instrument is to select the Devices menu and select "VST Instruments". This will bring up the VST "rack".

In the future would you please start a new thread when you're wanting to get a new topic started? Not trying to be mean, it will just help get your question more exposure and possibly more answers.
