Vintage Walker mixing console


New member
Hello! This is my first post, so here goes: I recently acquired a vintage 32 channel mixing board made by Walker Audio Video Engineers. I've googled this in every shape and form and can find nothing about this. Anyone know about these boards? When they were made? Are they good, bad? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Sweetbeats: Maybe this is the mixer you mentioned in the M-___ thread. Y'know, the mixer that you'll have in old age? A Walker mixer??

Sorry, I had to... :)
Walker mixer

Well, at least I got a response! After I clear a space to check it out (it came in a monstrously heavy road case) I'll check it out some more. The channel strips are easy to remove, so I'll see if they have any markings and post them here. Some guy who answered the craiglist ad for it was from California (I'm in Vegas) and wanted it badly, he said this Walker guy went on to work for Neve (everything has a story, know what I mean?) So I'll be back on hopefully this afternoon with a little more info. Thanks!
Walker mixer

Okay, all I could seem to find is the name "Pulsar" on one of the channel strips. Anybody have any info on Pulsar channel strips? Or am I up against another unknown piece? Shall I dream dreams of Neve-like quality, or must I run it over with my plumbing truck?
Okay, all I could seem to find is the name "Pulsar" on one of the channel strips. Anybody have any info on Pulsar channel strips? Or am I up against another unknown piece? Shall I dream dreams of Neve-like quality, or must I run it over with my plumbing truck?

Its a crap might be able to get quite a wad of bills if you have the right insurance.
Don't run over it just yet... especially if it turns out to be built by Saul Walker.
Walker console

Hey, thanks guys for the input! Yeah, Saul Walker's name came up when I was googling like crazy, but it doesn't say he had anything to do with that company. So my next finger-crossing is that Pulsar channel strips are half decent. If worse comes to worse (worst? liverwurst? Wha...?) I can maybe just see how a board is put together and learn something. Next question: this board came with no power supply, so what should I be looking for to power this baby up? Again, thanks for the input... second request for pics.

I, with much help, modded a Tascam PSU to power a prototype Tascam mixer I have, but it was a prototype in the lineage of the mixer for which the PSU was designed for so it wasn't a total "in-the-dark" process.

I would be nearly daunted by what you have sitting before you. If you can actually contact the company or somebody involved with the project then you'll be in decent hands to get a footing on what you need. Nobody at Tascam had a clue as to what I had. At the least it will be a multi-rail PSU. The Tascam board, for instance, utilizes two dual-rail supplies and two single-rail supplies. The other piece you'll to be concerned about is the size of the transformer, but you can figure some of that by getting a rough total count of the different types of opamps and/or transformers in the mixer and that will give you an idea of potential draw of the mixer and then (I think) a decent rule of thumb is to build/source a PSU with a transformer that can handle at least 2x that potential. There are a bunch of members around this forum and the DIY forum that can give you more specifics on that. I'm just regurgitating what I picked up during my PSU debacle.

Sometimes the power rails are labeled on the channel PCB's where they connect to the mother PCB, or maybe even where they come into the mother PCB from the PSU connector on the mixer, so look for that.
Walker console

Well people, I greatly appreciate all the input, but here's where everything comes to a standstill: I don't have the knowledge on how to get pictures up on this site (and hardly any other site, for that matter, and it's gonna be awhile before I can delve into this any deeper. BUT, armed with your input, I shall revisit this project in the future and try to figure it out even if I have to pull every last hair out of my head. Will get back to you on this....
careful... you might end up driving a thousand miles and loading this thing into your trunk

Oh...that's just sick. :D

Good one, though. :o:p:rolleyes::)

Well people, I greatly appreciate all the input, but here's where everything comes to a standstill: I don't have the knowledge on how to get pictures up on this site (and hardly any other site, for that matter, and it's gonna be awhile before I can delve into this any deeper. BUT, armed with your input, I shall revisit this project in the future and try to figure it out even if I have to pull every last hair out of my head. Will get back to you on this.... can't do that. Forum policy (kidding...mod don't strike me down...). You can't just start a thread on a mysterious potential Neve-esque desk and then before putting up pictures say "well this has been cool and everything but I gotta split." Nope. Pictures. Now.


When posting click the "Manage Attachments" button below the box you type in and a dialogue will pop up to upload the pictures...they can only be 64kB in size, but it seems you can upload larger and it will scale them back...

Okay. Pictures. Now. Yup. Ahhhhhhm reddy...
Walker console

Okay, I'll get my daughter to see if we can figure out how to upload the pictures per your instructions. I am SERIOUSLY doubting this is anything but a common mixer, plus it's in bad shape as far as the wood sides go, plus no power supply, so who knows. Give me a few days (with the economy, I have to take every plumbing job that comes down the pike) but I'll see about the pictures. Thanks for the interest!
Can't wait to see it! If you can't grok the posting pics thing, email em to me and I'll post them for you.:cool:
walker console help

i just got an old walker 2440 mixing console that needs a PSU as well. did you ever get anywhere with yours?'s a two and a half year old thread....and it doesn't look like the OP has been back since his initial postings back in 2009, so I wouldn't expect a reply from him.
You can check his profile and try sending him an email. If his email is still the same as the one he registered on the forums with...he may respond to you.