Vintage Studio Monitors


New member
Hi all. Today i picked up these old Studio Monitors from some guy on craigslist, he said he's had them for over 20 years. They're called Tascam Porta Monitor s-1010m.

I cant find any information on them anywhere online and i was wondering if anyone knew something about them?

If I got the right ones, they are a portable powered monitor designed for siting up a quick listening situation when out and about, i.e. location recording, PA system talk back systems, playing a keyboard through, etc etc, I would not use them for final mixes but if you were out on location you could use them to check you are getting a signal or a quick listen to make sure everything is there.

If the price is right they could be useful for that odd job, I have a similar thing by Yamaha MS101 (only 1 speaker but) that I use when I occasionally DJ at parties as a booth monitor as I am always set up behind the speakers. I have also used it as a PFL on a PA, so I don't have to wear headphones.

