video card?

*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* :o

Now I know how annoying I am when I do that to people... :p

Forgive me, once again, for making a statement that could have possibly been misunderstood. :rolleyes:

The official specs for the cards are not out... the tentative specs for the GPU are out.. but not the boards... so there's really no way of knowing for sure, in the end, how it will pan out. (though we can be fairly sure that it will smoke the other two makers) Perhelia is simply the name of the GPU.. the actual models it will be used in haven't even gotten a name yet... (they're considering calling them "G1000"s or something like that) And since the GeForce 4 Ti 4200 had "tentative specs" released, and those "tentative" specs ended up being wrong, (for both models of Ti 4200 that are now out) I usually don't rely on specs that are released before the boards (or at least reference boards) are actually in production...

You know.. I'm really should give up on the whole "condensing for brevity" method and instead go with the "full, lengthy explanations of every word I say" method instead,... :p

You know.. I'm really should give up on the whole "condensing for brevity" method and instead go with the "full, lengthy explanations of every word I say" method instead,...
Maybe so ;)

Though I think the specs listed for the GPU are final, and cards should be here in a month or two I'd think. Matrox are not the type who hype their products months, or in the case of some, years (*cough*BitBoys*cough*) in advance of any real actual release.
well, i can't wait that long to spend so much money, hehe... so, what brands of geforce 3/4 should i look at?
Leadtek is a decent brand. Gainward and Hercules also seem pretty popular. This really isn't much of an issue, unless you plan on overclocking your video card.
Same here... don't worry aboot the brand unless you plan on doing some serious overclocking,.. in which case the Gainwards (Golden Sample) are supposed to be pretty accommodating to that...

otherwise, I'd just grab the cheapest Ti 4200 that's out... (I'd also wait till monday, when more brands will be released) By the by... don't get the 128MB version... it costs more than the 64MB version (go figger) but it's slower!!! The memory on the 128 is clocked down (don't ask why) :p to the point that the 64MB version actually out-performs the 128MB version (for less money) On top of that... 128MB of memory on a vid card isn't exactly necessary.. even the most taxing of today's games will barely make use of the advantage of having 128MB of RAM on your vid card... and by the time they make games that really do require 128MB, there will be some newer card out that's better and cheaper and blah blah blah. In every other area of life, you gotta plan for the future,... but not with computers... it's always gonna be a whole new ball-game in a year or so.


P.S. It's possible... last I read, the GPU specs weren't finalized.. but that could have changed since I heard it.
i really don't think i will need to overclock... ok, so i will keep a look out for those brands. thanks... can the fans ever be changed to a huge heatsink? or do the processors really need the cooling?
I'd be wary of removing the fan.. but there are some pretty darn quiet fans these days (especially for GPU's) to the point that you won't be able to hear it at all... If you do find the fan to be too loud, you can try the fancy schmancy video card heatsink at Quiet PC.


i have a crystal ord sittinag round here... will it be louder than the stock fans on the cards...?
could be, maybe not.. depends on which brand you buy... I think some of those guys put orbs on the cards already... but it's not like it's an Athlon XP or anything.. you won't need any serious horsepower just to cool it... if you've got a quieter fan, then try that out instead.

In case you haven't already made your purchase... check out this article...

It shows the difference between the noise level in the fans of the different makes of cards. Now,.. the article is for Ti4400 and 4600's, but that should still give you an idea of who makes a quieter fan... and the conclusion is pretty definative: Stay away from MSI... :p
