VHS VCR Mixing question


New member
I haven't tried mixing down on VHS yet, but everybody talks about how great it is. - can I just hook up regular stereo speakers to the VCR or should I use something different. Should I leave it pluged into the TV or will that even work? - just wondering.
VHS mixdown

Well in the great wisdom of one Eric Cartman, my reply to your query is,"These jagawars can be reel meen, I'm going to slap this jagawar and see if he, Hey!!! you son of a *****." Excerpt from the Frozen cavedude episode
Not to belittle your question,I have posted one very similar but I love to spread the South Park greatness when and wherever I can!!! Good luck on mixdown!!!!!!
The ultimate Idiot,
Little Z
Disconnect the VCR from your TV/bring it into your studio room/connect the OUTPUT of whatever you are mixing down from (mixer, dat, computer, or whatever) into the input of the VCR(preferrably a 4-head).


...have nothing to do with it. The important feature is that it is VHS Hi-Fi. Regarding head count in VCRs, it refers to the number of video heads, not audio. A 4-head vcr will allow slow-motion and pause to be clear and free of video noise, as opposed to a 2-head which will be full of static.

Thanks Bruce. :)

Sorry guys for the misinformation. I was under the impression that the 4-heads were for the video as well as the audio.

Again, thank you for correcting my misjudgement.

Thanks for the recomendation guys, but can I just hook stereo speakers into it, or can I mix with headphones(I know people say not to mix with head phones, but I wasn't sure if the same rules applied).
Audio outs on a HiFi VCR need to be connected to an amplifier just like any other audio component.

And NO, you can't mix with headphones!!! ;)
(well... you can, but shouldn't...)
