VF160EX vs Tascam 2488


New member
I've been looking at both of these machines recently. The only real difference I can see (other than the tascam is 24 bit and the fostex is 16 bit) is the lack of of a USB port. I can't really justify the extra 300 dollars (fostex 899 and the tascam 1199) for usb connectivity. Any input?
I'm in the same boat (although I hate mail order and the VF160 isn't something easiliy found on the shelf - not carried by Guitar Center, etc.)

The VF gives you 16 mono tracks, whereas the 2488 has 12 mono and another 12 that are stereo (only 6 faders for those 12 tracks).

I've never seen any complaints about the VF, but the 2488 has some issues - a huge problem is that Tascam tech support is referring customers to a non-Tascam, 'user group' website for answers! People seem to like it, but there are some nagging issues and I question Tascam's commitment to fix them - they basically priced the profit margin right out from the beginning.
The Tascam may have some additional features you'd really like, but the VF160 is a very well known, very stable machine. I get the impression that the Tascam is having some teething problems. I'd wait for a little while before buying one. In time, I would imagine the bugs will be worked out.

In general, there's a lot to like about the Fostex VF160's. I've already stated my lack of enthrallment over 24bits... But others will disagree and find it a very important factor.

I think if 24bits was a big deal, I'd either go for a Fostex D2424lv and a mixer, or I'd go with the new Korg 16XD(?) at $2,000. That seems like a really nice, very solid machine.
I checked out the tascam user forum again - somehow Fostex can get OS fixes out quickly to address indivdual issues, where Tascam leaves users hanging for months before addressing critical flaws.

The major issue with the 2488 seems to be that if any editting is done to a track, it needs to be bounced (not copied) to a free track or else the resulting WAV file will be corrupt. If you get a track together on a 5 minute tune, you have to sit there for an additional 5 minutes bouncing it to a free track - on top of what sounds like agonizingly slow transfer times between the Tascam partition to the FAT partition to the PC (through USB). One guy referred to this process as taking 'hours', and at the end the data was all corrupt.

Unfortunately Tascam reports they fixed the issue, but are sitting on the release for no logical reason.
I think I am going with the fostex. I read some of the manual online last night. One of the things I would like to do (I guess because I feel more comfortable) is mix on my computer. I am using n-track right now. I've just had major problems with my motu soundcard and recording. I'm wanting to go back to a dedicated machine. Billisa do you know if you can export multiple wav files to a computer through the s/pdif port?
Wav transfer with the VF is a limitation - looks like burning a CD is the most realistic method for a full song, although Pete Halo will insist that using ADAT interface and recording 8 tracks at a time to a PC is efficient.

I swung by Guitar Center tonight to check out the Tascam in person - if there was any doubt based on their history it was driven home after actually touching the product. It feels so cheap - the faders aren't as good as those on the MR-8, and the buttons felt like they would collapse (buttons on each track have to be pressed to 'point' stuff like the pan window to that track, so there will be a lot of button pushing.) Basically with 24 tracks for less than 1200 bucks something had to give, and in this case it looks like the whole product.

Since it's nearly impossible to find the VF series in a store does anyone have reccomendations for a reliable mail order house (I figure Musician's Friend is the best.)

Musician's Friend has the vf160 for 899 including free shipping. There are a few on ebay but they're not any cheaper. Thanks for the tascam touch test. I've not had a chance to look at it in person per se....
mhetheridge said:
I think I am going with the fostex. I read some of the manual online last night. One of the things I would like to do (I guess because I feel more comfortable) is mix on my computer. I am using n-track right now. I've just had major problems with my motu soundcard and recording. I'm wanting to go back to a dedicated machine. Billisa do you know if you can export multiple wav files to a computer through the s/pdif port?

I would export wav files via CDR because: a) that's all I know how to do and, b) because you also wind up having a wav backup of your work on CDR, which you should always have anyway.

Check out 8th Street Music. I got my VF160 there. I thought my LCD screen was a tad off center, so I just sent it back after a week and they gave me a new VF160. Nice people, nice service. And normally one day shipping to the tri-state area (NY, NJ, CT), without paying extra.
Thanks billisa - sounds like there will be a couple more 160 owners up here soon - I'm ordering this morning.
www.ktjmusic.com has it for under 800 bucks, but there's something strange about them. I emailed about picking one up since I live near one of their stores and they said that's fine, but to call to see if it's in stock, etc. (strange they wouldn't just have those answers.) I went to one of their stores and the guy says they don't carry any of that stuff, that everything has to go through the site - sounds some some shady operation run out of a trailer in Tijuana...

(For any 'cave dwellers lurking here, I see my last post contained a grammatical faux pax - my glass house is getting a draft...)