VF160 compressor

grimy paco

New member
I just started using the compressor on my VF160 sometimes it sounds great and sometimes mthe vocals sound realy distorted.This is due to the fact that I know SQUAT about COMPRESSION.
Can anyone give me some pointers on THRESHOLD/RATIO/ATTACK/GAIN
or point me to a link that specialises just on COMPRESSION
watch the meter of the vocal track and see when and where it is distorting (ex: distorting @ 0db) so set your treshold to just below where the level distorts. the for the attack, mabye: 5ms.
for the ratio: about 2 db above the threshold. and don't boost the gain alot unless your vocals are to quite.
thanks finally a nice simple answer.
I have placed this question in another forum and I got much buisy aswers that just confused me more.
:D :) :D