VF16 dead, really need help!


New member
I bought one of the first VF16 units back in ‘98/’99, the first week they hit the stores (lot’s of zeros in my serial). Worked great for many years until this week.

I had the unit off A/C power in storage for about 10 months (inside, room temp), finally got it out after moving and powered it up. Started booting, display shows operating version 3.12 (I updated it to that version in 2003 or so). Finds the 1GB jazz drive OK, then goes to the “Initial…” state and stays stuck there. Never goes into recording mode, that is, the only light on is the “Stop” button. Can’t get into Setup. Listening, I don’t hear the HDD spinning. Did some research on the VF16.com and homerecording.com forums, found out about the stuck bearing issue on older HDDs that have been in storage for a while. So, removed the original (4GB, I think) HDD, rapped it a few times, reinstalled, no change, still stuck on “Initial…” after power up, version number, 1GB jazz drive, etc..

Okay, so the original HDD died. I have most of my stuff backed up on 1GB jazz disks (I think). Searched on eBay and found a Maxtor 540-K 40GB which is on the approved media list. It arrived yesterday, so I set the jumper to CS and installed, powered up. Saw Version 3.12, Initial…, then “No Drive!”. Pulled the Maxtor again and tried the “Master” jumper setting. Powered up, see Version 3.12, Initial…, then “FOUND MAXTOR 4K040H2” (yeah!), then “Initial…”, see the “Accessing” light come on, sounds like the drive is spinning, still on “Initial…”, then – nothing. Stays on “Initial…”. Left it that way overnight thinking it might be doing some kind of diagnostic on the new drive, but 9 hours later, still in the same state.

At this point, I could really use some advice from Fostex or somebody familiar with the VF16 in this forum. I don’t think the EPROM is fried or I wouldn’t see the version number and see it access the 1GB jazz. Likewise for the motherboard. I’ll even send it in to Fostex if necessary, just want it working again. I’m putting together a new studio and this unit is the centerpiece of it, I can’t really proceed until I have this thing working.

Thanks for any assistance!

It's been a while, but the last time I upgraded the HDD on one of my VF16's I went through the same sort of hoops you're going through...

Try ALL jumper settings on the drive... Including removing the jumper all-together... Also, disconnect the Jaz drive from your SCSI port.

Also, don't trust the drive... When I upgraded to a 40 I got an approved drive (from the list and from Ebay) and couldn't get it to do squat... I think the one I have in there now is not on the list but was one I had in a drawer... Works like a charm. I tried to format the Ebay drive in a PC after I got the VF16 up and running and found it had major issues...

Hope this helps somewhat...

Good luck!

Follow-up, I figured it out. The replacement Maxtor 540-4K (acquired on eBay for $23.00) was not partitioned. I had to put it in one of my older computers that had an IDE interface and FDISK it with a DOS 6.22 boot disk. Just to create an active Primary Partition, not format it. Apparently, the Fostex firmware lacks exception handling sufficient to generate an error message if the installed IDE drive does not have an active primary partition. As a matter of fact, it will totally freak out, as evidenced by my experience; hanging on the “Initial…” screen, going to the main screen with an inactive “Setup” button, flashing the “FOSTEX” logo repeatedly, displaying “HHHHHHHHHH” and hanging, etc. Very entertaining…

Also took the opportunity to flash the firmware up to version 3.13 (suggestion for version 3.14, add some fundamental boot sector exception handling). It’s now happily formatting away at about 1GB every 30 minutes or so. Hope my backups on the 1GB Jaz disks are still good, otherwise I will have to send the original 4GB drive with an apparently stuck bearing off to a data recovery service to get it working again.

FYI, hope this information is helpful to somebody down the road.
