VF-16 Sound quality


New member
I must say i am pretty impressed with the sound quality of the vf-16. Unfortunately I still needed to master stuff in a pro studio afterwards. They were able to bring the volume up to a normal level. Before that it was way to low. If anyone wants to give a listen you can do it here...


only the second song ( about your love ) was recorded on the vf-16. I think they lose some sound quality upon ripping, but it still sounds pretty good. The drum sounds are a little low, but it was b4 i had many mics to work with. Check it out and let me know what u all think! thanx!
sounds pretty good !. it's amazing what can be done these days

my only criticsim would be that your lead guitar is out of tune. maybe you could go back and redo that!

keep up the good work
It's the 6th string(Big E) on the main guitar thats out of tune.(flat-on about your love)It's the very first note you hit when playing that G Variant Chord and its really noticeable.The Bass guitar sounds out of tune a little also(Flat).

Good song though.It has the potential to be something bigger if you take your time and make sure everything is in tune and keep the drummer in time.Kick drum needs a little more Click and less boom.

The snare needs to be a little brighter.Anytime I do an acoustic piece I try to brighten the snare up enough to play the tone off of the percussiveness of the Strumming.(thats just me though)

I have a VF-16 myself and they are capable of making quality CD's if you take your time with everything and pay attention to detail.

p.s. Vocals could stand to be out front a little more.Maybe backing off a little at 1k on the acoustic guitar track would achieve that.

listened to about your love.
good song. if that didn't get you laid...
more importantly...you recorded THAT with the fostex unit?!?!!?
i want to know everything, mic placement, gear, settings, bouncing, mixing, to pc, software, burning cds, etc.
i have a vf08, and my recordings sound so much like i used an 8 buck tape recorder from wal mart. man.
good job, though. i'll take a listen to the other songs tonight.
So far I have not been able to obtain the same quality with the fostex as with my adat and mackie. Then again I am not doing the enginerring and we have just started using the fostex, about 3 months.
Has anyone used the VF-160 yet...? I have one in the mail, I would be interested to hear what people are thinking of it...

Cheers, Dave.
i dont think there is too much of a difference between that and the vf16 except for the built in burner. look into it
Listen to this VF-16 recording - sounds good!

I got on vf16.com and listened to some of the recordings. Some sound weak and some are really good. From the following link, you can check out a tune called "10,000 miles". It was the first recording that the guy did on his VF16 and it turned out really good - especially since he said that he didn't spend much time on it. Check it out at: http://www.bindle5.com/sounds.asp