VF-16 hardware modification necessary to upgrade HD?


New member
I've been to Fostex.com to try to figure out what HDs are compatable with my VF-16, because the one that's in it now is a little noisy and I'd like one with a higher capacity anyway. I've been told that the newer ones are quieter, but the Fostex site seems to indicate that in order to upgrade the internal HD, you have to send your machine in for hardware modifications. I'd rather not have to send my machine away to upgrade my HD if I don't have to. Is there anyone out there who's done this that knows for sure? Sometimes the Fostex site is a bit like their manual in terms of clarity. I've already upgraded the software to version 3.13, and I've already e-mailed Matt at Fostex, but haven't heard from him yet. I'd like to know fairly soon, because there's a hard drive available on ebay that looks like it would meet my needs and the auction ends today.
Here's what Matt says

I did get a reply from Matt just in time to bid on a new Maxtor Fireball 3 40 GB HD on ebay, but I lost the bid anyway. But here's what Matt says "You no longer need the hardware modification." I don't understand why if you used to, you don't now, but I'm not going to argue with him. I did go ahead and order a new Maxtor 40 gig HD from Compuvest.com for $48.90 plus $8.97 shipping. I guess if it doesn't work I can take it to the Fostex service center (Allpro Electronics) in Nashvile for whatever hardware modifications may still be needed. I guess that's all for this thread, huh?