VF-08: external fx loop...will this work?


If I record a track - say vocals - and I later want to add external effects to it (run in thru an EQ or something), will this work:

1. record initial vocals to track 1 (or whatever track)

2. connect VF line out to external EQ

3. connect EQ output to track 2 input

4. turn track 2 fader to minimum

5. arm track 2 to record, then record.

Does anybody see anything glaringly wrong with this, or has anyone done this?
Hi, well, you have a good idea in theory, and thanks for bringing it up as I never thought about that method...but, always a but, fader for incomng track has to be in proper input position, not up, means no sound, haha, don't take that the wrong way. I have been making lots of tracks and have really got used to my VF08, but realize that 16 tracks would make it all easier, it can be done with 8 but lots of fudging, esp. when you need background vocals. I go on the line or digital out with a full mix too, can't believe very few people mention that in these newsgroups, 7-8 alone is too thin. Well, get back if you can accomplish what you are trying to achieve.

psongman - you are not quite correct there. You dont have to have the fader up to record sound. You have to have it up to monitor what you are recording however.
You set the recording level by using the trim pot, not that fader.

jfrog - your method would work.