very newbie monitor question


New member
Hey guys,

I was just wondering...what kind of speaker wire do passive monitors use? I guess I'm really asking, what do you use to play them? My stereo receiver? My Layla 24? What powers them, and what kind of connection do they use? Bare wire, or something like an RCA cable?

I feel like an ass asking this...but I don't know!

Yo Kirstin:

If you have passive monitors, you will need some type of amp to power them.

I use a Yamaha integrated amp to run a gaggle of gear. On the back of the amp there are connectors for two sets of speakers, which I have.

This integrated amp powers my monitors, plus the extra speakers, both of which are passive.

I'm not familiar with Layla. But, you mentioned your stereo. If your stereo amp has speaker connectors, you can hook up to it with most any quality speaker wire with connectors on the wire already built in. Then what you record has to be routed into the stereo so you can hear it via your monitors.

Take a trip to a radio shack and just ask or look at their set ups and "pretend" you're shopping -- get the information. Better yet, visit a vendor who can show you various possibilities as per your gear.

Hope this helps you.

Green Hornet :D :cool: :D
Well, my stereo amp has hookups for 2 sets of left-rights, and center and rear as well, but it takes the bare wire type, not the connectors built in. So, this would work? I didn't really understand your reply in totality, but this is my fault, not yours. I'm feeling for some reason that the monitors would use a plug in type of speaker wire instead of bare wire. I'd like to get a pair soon, and I can get my setup to play through my stereo. Are there plug ins on the monitors, or just those connectors where you stick bare wire into them?

sorry if you don't want to answer this. I can go to Radio Shack but it will be sometime before I have enough free time to actually do this. And they never seem to treat girls very well there. This is fact. Bullies.

Yo Kirstin:

Shame on those bullies!!

Bare wire endings are usually coated in solder so that the strands of wire adhere -- stick together and make a solid contact.

If I understand it, you do NOT have monitors yet? Passive monitors have a connecting device for left/right and can accept straight wire, soldered ends, and some accept banana plugs. Banana plugs kind of slide in and have a kind of springy mechanism that makes a tight contact.

Almost any shop in your area that sells stereo gear, amplifiers, etc., can show you the process of hook up. If I read you right, your stereo can connect "two" sets of speakers; therefore, you must have an A/B switch or off/on buttons to select one or both speaker sets or NONE.

What I'm not sure about is your recorder, the Layla system. You may be able to feed the stereo outs via RCA plugs to your stereo system and, thus, HEAR what you've recorded in order to set the balances in the mix before doing a CDR or DAT or whatever.

When you buy your monitors, just ask for some cables to go with them. Ten feet or so is usually enough for your set up.

Hang in there and go to a stereo shop and ask and push those bullies right back.

Green Hornet :D :cool: :p
Any powered signal coming from a power amp and going to the speakers will use regular copper speaker wire. Sometimes speaker wire can have a black covering and they can use different types of connectors. But there is only one type of speaker wire (some just look different) and the only difference is how thick (gauge) it is. The thicker the better and use whatever ends are needed to plug into the amp and speaker.

Don't bother with high priced name brand speaker wire because it is all the same. You can even use a regular power extension cord and cut off the ends to use it as speaker wire. Speaker cables and electrical power cables are the same thing inside.

It gets more confusing when dealing with unpowered audio signals but speaker wire is very simple.
Thank you sirs,

You are correct about the Layla--it has 8 outs, all RCA. And yep, I can switch from A-B on the stereo, but I can't have both on at the same time. No monitors yet, and I think I will need to talk to someone close up just so I can SEE everything. I would definitely be able to take the Layla out to an in on the stereo I just need some monitors instead of my home stereo speakers for mixing. This would work nicely for referencing too, since I could just change my speaker setup from A-B, theoretically, and then be able to hear them on each? Or would this not work?

As far as any soldering, I think I'll find me a nice guy to do that. I'm not good with power tools, or anything that could melt my flesh together. I just thought it would be easiest if I didn't have to mess with connectors, and could just plop the exposed wire just like with my stereo speakers and receiver. I don't even know what the hell I'm talking about, ha ha. But, thanks guys for helping me out!

The fact is those stereo shop guys don't really want to piss me off, because when I'm in bitch mode I'm actually quite frightening. ;) I just don't like putting myself in situations where I need to go there, you know? My dad can solder for me, he likes doing that kind of stuff. And no, I don't have the monitors yet. I wanted to be sure I could use passive, because the powered ones seem to be quite a lot more. I had a feeling I could set them up through my stereo amp, so why waste dollars? I hardly ever use my stereo either, cause it's in the basement, and though it's quite nice down there with the largest tv and entertainment center, I do all my living upstairs. Must start using my dollars more purposefully!

And if I sound like an idiot, I am much closer than you know.:D

Thanks again,