versatile mic setup?


New member
i'v done lots of searching over the past few days but still have a question....
i would like to get a great vocal mic that will "double" as the drum overheads in a "three mic" setup....i was thinking about the nt1's but saw that "recording engineer" and others highly recommend the MC012's from the sound room with the addition of the RTT M1/M3 cap for the vocals (total ~$1000)...if i couldn't afford the M1/M3 cap right away, how would the MC012's do on vocals? i know RE said he liked a large diaphram with only three you still recommend the MC012's with just three drum mics?


[This message has been edited by skyway57 (edited 07-27-2000).]
If you can afford it now or within a "reasonable' amount of time, then yes.

If not, then no.

I know money is usually the BIGGEST factor.

But I think you knew MY above answer.
how would the MC012's do on vocals until i could afford the M1/M3 caps? thinking about using the art tube pre....
i know in some other posts you stated that you like a large diaphragm with only three mics on the drums (i may try placing a SM57 on the snare as well) you think the MC012's would still work well if i don't mic the toms individually? i was thinking of the ATM25 for the kick....

thanks for the help!!
Another way to go is a ribbon, like a Beyer M500, which is one of my all time favorite vocal mics, and would be a good choice for an overhead on a 3 mic drum setup as well. I'm currently using a 44BX for a single mic drum overhead, but an M500 would be a good alternative, and you can pick up a good used one for 2-250.00. I love what they do for the cymbals...