I DL'ed the demo today, and the blood started rushing to my head. The Vegas Pro demo was a 1 week uncrippled full trial; the Vegas Audio 2.0 demo is crippled to death. I'm a registered Vegas Pro user, so I called up Sonic Foundry to give 'em a piece of my mind. What they did was give me a registration code for a full week trial... without me even getting to the "piece of my mind part". At least I can actually test the damn thing :D.

Since I'm not very polite to trial software, I loaded up a project that's been giving me nightmares for a while. So far, so good. Now that I can use any plug-in on individual tracks, I think Vegas might finally be usable. Re-sizing the track panes is still clunky as hell, but the interface has always beat the crap outta Cakewalk. I'll let ya know how well it ends up taking my abuse.

The upgrade is only $99, so I think this is gonna be a no-brainer for me.
And the answer is... *drumroll*

It doesn't suck! I'll probably post something in the MP3 forum tonight with the details (I still wanna tweak the snare... I ALWAYS wanna tweak the snare). I threw it a project that was giving me nightmares in CPA 9, and it handled it fairly easily. It hasn't crashed once in two days of fairly heavy (ab)use. I'm also very, very, very happy that I might finally be able to get rid of the half-speed dropout problems with Cakewalk and my 8/24.

I've only used it for mixing... no recording yet, so there's still plenty of room to discover fatal flaws. But color me impressed for once.
Dragged through the bramble for naught

OK- so I coughed up the dough for the upgrade to Win98SE, waited for them to deliver it to me, then held my breath during the installation-
After that I was bluer than the blue screen of death!
OK, so I D/L their 20MB install file for Vegas Audio
and run the installer.
Right away I see something's not right.
When I insert a track, gone is the friendly display on each track of the source (GINA analog or S/PDIF or TB analog)
for recording on that track. Without a track source select, this won't work for me. Also gone is the friendly dislay and control of the output routing.
What were they thinking?
Found the problem

They just failed to copy my custom routing scheme into the upgraded version. Controls are just where they were before.
When I went to use my bought and paid for version of Vegas Pro I found that the installation of the demo had converted all my bought and paid for SF plug-ins to DEMO VERSIONS. I wasn't pleased, and had to reinstall Vegas Pro to get it to work again. Strangely enough- now the demo has regular
plug-ins as well....
I ran S8-Ns video through the new version of the video window and it's pretty cool, but I don't see any real audio improvements.

[Edited by drstawl on 09-05-2000 at 15:50]