Vegas 6 -Can I arm two totracks at once?



I just got the program and I love it!! I'll be recording some line equipment (drum machines and keyboards) and really want to have true stero drums and true stereo sounds (example: a string sound with a stereo delay effect on it). I'm pretty sure I can record stereo data to one track but I know it's not true stero. I want two seperate tracks to pan hard right and hard left. How can I do this?

Thank you.

I just re read this, sorry if I use the word Stereo way too much, LOL!
What makes you think a stereo track isn't "true stereo?"


Yes, you can arm more than one track at a time. If you right-click on the record select button (without arming the track), you can select which input you want to use. I've recorded as many as 13 tracks at a time with Vegas. And yes, this program rocks!
MadAudio said:
What makes you think a stereo track isn't "true stereo?"

Thank you much!!

My logic is this, If I record the left and right outputs of my drum machine on to one vegas track (which I have been doing) it isn't "true stereo." I mean I do see the two seperate L and R audio data within that one track but I always assumed that it really wasn't in stereo.

I hope this will clear it up.

Please explain if I'm wrong.

PaulKarate said:
Thank you much!!

My logic is this, If I record the left and right outputs of my drum machine on to one vegas track (which I have been doing) it isn't "true stereo." I mean I do see the two seperate L and R audio data within that one track but I always assumed that it really wasn't in stereo.

I hope this will clear it up.

Please explain if I'm wrong.

Yes, it is stereo. You're seing two waveforms in the track, yes? One is left, the other is right. A mono track will only have one waveform in it.
Beautiful! Thanks for the help, I feel a 100% certain on this now.
i just wnated to chime in cuz i love vegas too!!!

although im usin vegas 4 right now - i demo'd vegas 6 and it wreaked havoc on my cpu's processing performance -- so i figured i got some glitch -- but im still lovin vegas 4 !!!!!
I'm using Vegas 6.0, with an AMD 2.0ghz, 1 gig RAM, and it performs flawlessly with my Edirol UA-22 USB recorder. I have just figured out how to insert tracks, then select the input for the track (left and right, as my recorder only has 2 inputs) and now i can record my vocals and acoustic guitar at the same time!

I'm loving it, thanks Sony! :P
Acid is good, but has never been a multi track recording program. It's a looping and mixing program.

I recorded my first demo completely using Acid. I just recorded one track at a time.
But now, i wanted to put some lyircs and guitar ideas down at once, and Vegas lets me do this.
Tim Brown said:
I liked Gooneybird Acid myself. :p
Beware. The trademark is easier to fake than the chemical whose brand the insignia announces. ;)

Which is why Windowpane was a really cool idea.