Vegas 5 freezes when loading a file


New member
I recently got a new motherboard and reinstalled windows and all my programs and plugins.
Now I open vegas 5 and I can load all of my old project files (from vegas3) except one.
It freezes at 19% every time.
Is there any way to repair the file or get it to open at all?
I really need the song and I don't want to have to try to find all the wav files and build a new file for it... that could take days.
any ideas?
This is just a guess, but it's possible that one of the audio files has become corrupted. Do you have another program that you can listen to the files with?
Does it still open in Vegas 3?

If yes is the answer, SOLO and Render To New Track each track seperately in Vegas 3.

Once you have completed this, OPEN a new file in Vegas 5, then IMPORT each new RTNT track into Vegas 5.

Hopefully, this should solve your problem. :)
in case anyone cares

just in case this happens to anyone else...
here's the solution that worked:

I moved all of the files to a different folder.
when vegas opened it asked for the locations of all the files..
and everything loaded fine.

simple. weird. but it worked.
Cool, glad you got it fixed.

And thanks for posting. I hate it when people abandon their own threads!