Variaudio question


New member

This might sound stupid to most of you but I'm really stuck with this. Every aspect that is easy to understand and self-explanatory in variaudio is explained in painful detail if I google it but I just can't for the life of me understand this.

I pitch quantize in variaudio on vocals in the sample editor. For the sake of example let's say it's audio 01_09. I flatten it, cubase creates an audio 01_09-01. I analyze the newly created supposedly flattened and brutally (100%) quantized audio 01_09-01 with variaudio and the notes are off again!!! Not by the same amount mind you but still!

Am I doing something wrong? Is this somehow okay and am I not getting something? Or should I just leave everything corrected but not flattened and then do every mixing+mastering thing and every time the "this may invalidate variaudio data" thing comes up I should press "proceed and keep"?

Please advise!!!

What version of Cubase are you using? I'm using Cubase 7, and I noticed that for some reason the correction doesn't always show in the editor, but its right in the project window. Weird!

I'm not sure what order your doing things but yes, you have to click that box anytime you make changes that might affect variaudio.

Its a great program, but I notice it does some strange things that seem difficult to consistently get used to.
when I've finished with vari-audio I usually bounce the track down so it's no longer processing anything, try that