Van Halen question....


New member
in 95 on the Balance tour does anyone know who opened for VH....i know it's not a typical guitar question but if ya'll don't know it no one will....preferably who it was at the Charlotte N.C. show ....thanks in advance :D
Dunno about the Charlotte N.C. show, but in Toronto I think it was Our Lady Peace....I couldn't wait for them to get off the stage.

No offence to OLP fans, but I don't like 'em.
Saw them in OKC.... with Skid Row opening supporting their Subhuman Race album.

The band wasn't bad but (Skid Row lead singer) Bach started a rant about how he wanted to kick the guys butt who bombed the Murral Building (less than a year ago at the time) Pretty much turned off the audience, but that will happen when you use a tragedy to try to push your latest single.

Interesting enough the show was the same day as the OJ verdict. So Sammy went on a 5 minute rant about justice in America. So much for going to a rock concert and leaving the world outside.
Chinaman said:
Dunno about the Charlotte N.C. show, but in Toronto I think it was Our Lady Peace....I couldn't wait for them to get off the stage.

No offence to OLP fans, but I don't like 'em.

i like them alright but the last thing i heard from OLP was a song with a video where the guys room was filling with water but the other thing i remember was how much he sounded like a male Allanis Morrisette maybe its a Canadian thing ...

anyhoo my buddy who was asking me about the opening band says that so far its none of these Collective Soul opened some also ...he said it was a southern type band (how he described it, not to say they were like skynyrd ) well thanks again for all the replies so far