Valley of the Dogz


Honestly, it took me a weekend. Well, that's not entirely true... I wrote the lyrics one night during my vacation to Myrtle Beach a few weeks ago... I was watching some skateboarding show on ESPN with my son... and I got a wild hair up my butt to do a rap song... My original title was "Vally of the Dolls". But I didn't know what the heck I meant by the title, so I changed it to "DogZ" since a few of my friends call me "Ted Dawg"... and the lyrics just kinda poured out that night for about an hour.

Okay, so I had the lyrics written, and I put the music together in my head when I had spare time on the beach...

Okay, so me and my wife and kids get home from vacation and I schedule a weekend to lay down the music on Saturday, and then on Sunday I ask the wife for some "sing time"... what "sing time" is to me and my family is, that's when my wife takes herself and the kids to my father-in-law's house so I can just cut loose on the vocals without her or the kids laughing at me... They like to come down and tease me when I'm singing high harmonies or doing something out of character for me like rapping, etc. Haha.

Usually, if I already have the lyrics written and have an idea of how I want the music to be, it takes me about a weekend to complete a song :)

Sorry for the long story... and thanks for listening!
