V63M as Drum Mic OverHeads?


New member
Anyone out there with luck using V63M as Overheads?

I just can't get a very good sound with them. I think they might need to be modded. (i.e. they need to have a smoother midrange, Less Fizzy / Harsh / distorted Hi end, yet more brilliance to the high end at the same time. Make sense?)

Any tips to using them as Overheads?

Yes, I am using LDC as overheads because to my ear, GENERALLY speaking, LDC given all the other qualities equal compared to SDC will sound a little more transparent, not as harsh in the high end, Neutral, and natural and will pick up lower freq. (i.e. drums) better. That is what I am going for as opposed to the hyped high end cymbal shimmer. IMO
Anyone out there with luck using V63M as Overheads?

I just can't get a very good sound with them. I think they might need to be modded. (i.e. they need to have a smoother midrange, Less Fizzy / Harsh / distorted Hi end, yet more brilliance to the high end at the same time. Make sense?)

Any tips to using them as Overheads?

Yes, I am using LDC as overheads because to my ear, GENERALLY speaking, LDC given all the other qualities equal compared to SDC will sound a little more transparent, not as harsh in the high end, Neutral, and natural and will pick up lower freq. (i.e. drums) better. That is what I am going for as opposed to the hyped high end cymbal shimmer. IMO

I use a pair of V63m as overheads for jazz or lighter drummers but for bashers that tend to break up too much. I like the detail and a lot depends on placement using the Recorderman/Johns method of placement.
You also have to consider the space you record in the V63m prefers to have room to breath I have 11 foot ceilings.