V-Amp Vs. X V-Amp. Sibling Rivalry: This is gonna get bloody.


New member

Why the big difference in price? Is it because the V-Amp has twice as many amps? I just need something to act as a D.I. box...to use with N.I. Guitar Rig....and the X Amp is almost half the price of the V-Amp. Will I get the same quality signal from the X V-Amp? Will I? Huh? Whatcha' think...if you are reading this, you're at least-as-half-as-smart-as-I-be...I don't need a fvcking yokel. Just someone who's not intelligent enough to overthink this most trivial of dilemmas. So what is it? Yay or Nay? Answer me dammit it!

First one to respond gets cookies and milk.
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Damn...you are right my friend. I swore the V-amp was like $129-$139. Maybe they came down on the prices....or maybe I was thinking of the rackmount. Nonetheless, the user reviews on the X V-Amp seem to be noticably lower the the V-Amp...so, wat up wit dat?

*hands out one ultra-clustered, supa-fantastically, cream filled, cookie....and a cap full of milk....just enough to leave you wanting more*

You shall get the rest when this rumination is freed from it's intertwinedidments.

What chu' fools looking at? That's a word.
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Huh Oh, yer in deep shit now, LITERALLY! NO ONE POO POO's IN MY POSTS!

*Opens basement door and shows what happened to the last guy who pulled this lil' gag*

"Eeeeeek!" *the scene is so horrific....it even frightens self*

You might want to grab a paddle....and start rowing!

*begins countdown to Purge's ultimate demise*

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6......."

*whistling taps....while grabbing for a gumbo pot and meat tenderizer*
WinstonCowboy said:
I just need something to act as a D.I. box...to use with N.I. Guitar Rig....

Simple answer: dont get either of them. Buy a decent Stand alone DI that will sound better than the eiether of those, also be very useful for bass and keys and have a real resale value in 6 months or 5 years.
Yo Ronan,

Well, actually, I want to use the X V-Amp for the D.I. but also for the foot switches. I know this unit is not the best quality, but for the price, and the compatibility....it is exactly what I am looking for; to lay down some demos. I am going midi for the keys and bass.

I know some peeps who have the V-Amp...and I think you can generate some decent tones from it. You just have to know how to tweak it...plus, once I incorporate it with the N.I. Guitar Rig...I think the possibilities will be limitless.

Only thing...do you think I will have a problem assigning the pedals with Guitar Rig?

Edit: Or maybe I will just go with a Behringer FCB1010 MIDI Footcontroller.
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