V-amp pro - has anybody tried it


New member
any one have experience with the Behringer V-amp Pro?
i need a second guitar head for practicing with my other band and already have a decent power amp available. I was wondering if anybody has tried the behringer V-amp out? I have heard good things about it, but wanted to check here before buying it.
I use the V-Amp Pro in the studio, mostly for clean guitar and recording direct. I also have the Bass V-Amp Pro which I love. I tried using the V-Amp Pro with my old guitar amp, and didn't really like the sounds I was getting. I ended up buying a Tech 21 Power Engine amp and have been getting a lot better results with the V-Amp.

Basically, it's a cheaper version of the Pod, and is a decent piece of gear for the money. It's not a head in the traditional sense of the word. It can't power a speaker cabinet. If you need a new guitar head then you need something completely different.
I use a V-Amp Pro in the studio quite a lot. The tuner SUCKS, the EQ SUCKS, as do a lot of the settings, and it's difficult to get much gain out of the thing for clean sounds. The FX are as you'd expect - so so. That said, it can yield some useable sounds, namely high gain stuff. It's quite easy to navigate around. Personally, I find having soooo many options a detriment: cabinet simulations, I mean... how many do you want? By the time you've ploughed through 4 or 5, you've forgotten what the first one sounded like, ditto the reverbs.

The V-Amp Pro was my first venture into MIDI control stage performance (in tandem with an ART pedalboard) and it was a horrible experience! I really had trouble getting a decent sound on stage and the low gain for clean sounds (as mentioned earlier) was a constant pain in that I'd have to bring all my higher gain settings down to match.

Having said all that, I've seen a guitarist playing live with a POD (kidney job) and he sounded great (although they weren't playing all that loud).

I dunno. Guitar, cable.....amp. There. OK, so maybe a 3-way footswitch ... and an FX loop (^:
I didn't "play out" with it, but I did own it for about 4 months. Nice enough, but in the end, I went back to Line6 stuff (and do not regret the move).

I have had one for some time now and it works well. I had a Line 6 POD Pro before, but prefer the sound of the V-Amp Pro. It seems to have better clean tones as compared to the POD. I have since sold the POD gear.

I also liked the way settings are dosplayed using the lighted knobs on front. That makes changes much easier.

I also felt the EQ had more range than the POD Pro EQ. It also has a handle overall EQ, separate from individual presets, that can be useful when plaing in different rooms.

I generally have not used either the cabinet sims or effects, as those come from other sources in my setup. Some like the POD here and others the V-Amp.

I had no problems with gain with various amp connections.

I should also comment that the first unit I received died after 5 min of use. Beheringer sent me another one, and it has yet to have a single issue.


thanks for all the comments. i think i might pick one up from a guitar center and try it out for a while. If need be ill return it. I just need something for rehersals for gain. i already have an amp i can use with it. is there a better option if i only need a decent distortion? maybe a decent pedal or preamp? Any one tried Rockatron's Ganiac?
I just picked up a V-Amp Pro at GC used for $60.00.

I know some of you will still say that I spent $59.00 more than I should have.
It is definatly worth $60!

I had one for 4 months as well, and I liked it, but I have a modded 5150 too, and I wasn't really playing the V-Amp that much? So I got rid of it. The Thing is great for Cleans and leads, but the high gain stuff all kinda sounds the same? I don't like Line6 stuff either. I just can't do the modeling thing. I can notice a difference in the recordings. :(