Using the Roland HD1 to trigger MIDI drums sounds from software like EZ drummer


New member
So I've found a good deal on a Roland HD1 and thought I'd buy it to make practising with my band a littler easier. However, I read through a review and they mentioned using it the MIDI output to trigger samples from software like EZ drummer. I've got a Presonus FP10 which has a MIDI in and out, but I've never used it, so I have a few questions.

How does it work? Is it a simple case of plugging in, switching on the program, and I'm away?

Can I use the HD1 and software in real-time to record onto Cubase?

Can anyone recommend any software to use? EZ drummer looks amazing, but if there's anything that's as good and cheaper that'd be amazing!

Thanks in advance for the help!