using the bus to apply fx to more than one track (real time)


New member
hello good people. i was wondering if someone might be inclined to further explain/clarify how to use the 'bus' to apply an effect to multiple tracks. do i understand correctly that one would hit the 'out1' button / choose 'new bus' / go to the properties of that bus and select (add) an effect, hit apply / select that bus for all the tracks that i would like to apply the effect / go to the bus mixer and make any necessary adjustments . . . and yer done? one point of confusion, is that the bus mixer also has a bus out (out1) . . . does anything need to be done here?

thanks much for any further clarification. this forum is so very useful!

cheers~ peter
do i understand correctly that one would hit the 'out1' button / choose 'new bus' / go to the properties of that bus and select (add) an effect, hit apply / select that bus for all the tracks that i would like to apply the effect / go to the bus mixer and make any necessary adjustments . . . and yer done?

Yep your spot on.

one point of confusion, is that the bus mixer also has a bus out (out1) . . . does anything need to be done here?

This just selects which output on your soundcard to playback the bus on. If you have a soundcard which has multiple outs you could have Bus A playing back through outputs 1/2 on your soundcard and Bus B could playback through outputs 3/4.

Thanks for the confirmation Tukkis. I've gradually started using Cool Edit more and more. It is such a great audio tool. Perhaps I should post this question as a separate post, but I am curious if there is a difference in the sound of the track when applying (saving) the effect to the track itself verses using the bus for applying it in real time? I understand that using the bus eats at the processor, and find i get some drop-outs on playback when using that method. I'm working on a fairly new laptop (1.2 ghz / 512 RAM), so I was surprised that I was having drop-outs with only one real time effect (reverb). I'll be formatting my hard drive soon, and have taken note of some of the posts to optimize the pc for CE, so hopefully that will improve. Otheriwise, I suppose I will opt to apply the reverb to the track itself . . . just curious about the difference in sound . . . if there is one.

Thanks again.

There is not a difference in sound, but if you apply an effect to a track it is there for good once you hit save. Not to mention that real time effects save soooooo much time in mixing, because you hear the effect right then, instead of applying it, waiting on the computer to process, and then hearing it in the mix. This way if it sucks, you don't have to go back and undo and redo the whole process.
