Using superior drummer as triggers for a real kit (live recording)


New member
Hi everyone,
since i don't own a fancy recording studio (and i wish i did) i replace all recorded drums with superior drummer 2.0 (minus cymbals) using logics drum replacer.

to get a natural drummer performance as he played it and not midi notes that i added, i set the threshold as low as it can go, then tediously go through and delete notes that shouldn't be there, and set velocities for a natural sound. But when recording (especially metal where the kick is important to monitor) i have to do these steps wasting the bands time.

so this is probably a silly question that you cannot fix but..
can you set superior drummer as triggers for live drums?
No matter what replacing or fixing drums takes time.

But give drumtracker a look.

Ideally if you could fork for an e kit and the drummer is comfortable playing one...
Ah this is exactly what i was looking for!
thank you so much, this will make tracking so much easier

soon i'm investing in an electric kit and setting it up with Superior Drummer, but for now i'm just using a live kit and replacing them with superior dummer
hey we have to work with what we got ;)
Actually, i checked into drumtracker and hated the idea. It was basically the same steps i was doing to replace drums with midi but with more confusion/steps.
thanks for the tip but i found an easier way to track.

Checking out drumagog 5 to add some more samples behind SD and found that it can host plugins where i can load SD, then only load a snare or kick, set the default midi note, and trigger SD with drumagog.

I hope that helps anyone else :)