using stage boxes


New member
my band are building a mobile studio to start recording our first album.

we've been looking at a few different venues to record in and have found a decent little studio space that has been empty for a while.

it has a separate control room space and a small live room, so i've realized we'll need some sort of stage box to go from the control room to the live room.

i've used one of those lynx stage boxes in the past, but have noticed that it degraded the signal in terms of tone (it became quite muddy), compared to when i've connected the mic cable directly into my recording equipment.

obviously we want the strongest/clearest signal possible when recording, so can anyone recommend which stage box to go for? or will any stage box degrade the signal due to their long cable lengths? would i need some sort of signal booster?

A stagebox and its multicore is an inert piece of equipment; it neither adds nor substracts to the signal. Cable lengths are not a problem for most applications (e.g. I run a 30m cable with no noticeable signal degradation).

If you are experiencing signal degradation, this is not because of something intrinsic to stage boxes and their cables, but because there is something amiss with the one you are using. I can't say what the problem is. Mostly you get crackles and pops (because of solder joints coming adrift or whatever), or channels dropping out altogether (because of an internal break).