Using Reason to Master Audio


New member

I'm currently using Cubase LE for all my mulitracking and mixing needs, and I'm just getting started using Reason 3.0. I've tried to figure this out on my own but I just can't.

What I wan't to do is use rewire to output my audio from cubase into Reason so I can use the M Class mastering tools on it.

If anyone could point me in the right direction this would be nice.

check out this month's Sound On Sound for a full tutorial.

might as wel be Future Music. not sure. but I believe it's SOS.
Mo-Kay said:
check out this month's Sound On Sound for a full tutorial.

might as wel be Future Music. not sure. but I believe it's SOS.

Checked the website, I'd have to subscribe which would cost me about $20 here in Canada to read the article online.

Not bad... but it would be nice if someone could point me in the right direction I could figure things out.
As far as I know you can't get audio _into_ reason, there are no inputs, only outputs.
One way would be to generate a wav and load it into NN-XT. Reason is not really
made for mastering though.

I'm sure it can be done, because I can get reason to play back the audio from cubase using rewire. I just can't get it to work with the M Class Mastering suite or get it to drive signal into the mixer.