Using my mixer the right way?


New member
Hi all!!!
Todays problem is.....
I have a mixer (behringer mx3282A please no booing)
I use it to record and for my "live" room. My question is this, can I use the aux outs to set up another monitor? The manual isnt that detailed and I am pretty new to all this. I have a power amp set up for the main outs and for the control room/mon I have a control room monitor set up.
For the live room though I would like to set up a monitor sys that I can add and subtract each of the other musicians as is needed in seperate monitors. I have 8 aux outs and only use some of them for my outboard gear for recording. I dont want to rewire my stuff since I have it set for recording but I would like to add monitors when we play in the live room. The main power amp is spoken for!!!
Any idea's?
Thanks as always....

Short answer: yes.

I'm a bit confused on your power amp situation. You have active monitors in the control room and a power amp driving your mains in the live room? If so, run the aux sends into the live room power amp to the mains. If you want to add more monitor mixes, you'll need more power amps, or powered monitors.
I have a power amp for my main outs (live room PA system)
I have the control room out to the power amp in the control room into passive monitors.
All channels spoken for.
I love my set up so far but want to add floor monitors for when my band practices.

So I can just run any aux out L&R into a power amp or into active monitors????
If I am understanding that that the set up I need to add.
SillySillyStacy said:
So I can just run any aux out L&R into a power amp or into active monitors????

As AlexW said, yes. To clarify, monitor mixes usually aren't stereo, so you only need one aux channel, and one active monitor per monitor mix.