Using MIDI - getting spill ?!?


New member
Using cubase vst 5.1.

I'm putting together some parts of a song using midi but if I play the already recorded tracks while recording the next I seem to get some low-level spill into the track I am playing that I can't get rid of.

If anyone has any ideas of what I'm doing wrong I'd appreciate some help.

Ok I figured it out.

When exporting midi as an audio track it automatically adds this as a mixdown track at the bottom of the list. I'd not realised this and so when I exported the next track it recorded the last mixdown track along with the midi. And so on with the next track.

Solution is to solo the track to export rather than mute the others by hand. Should have done that to start with really but there you go.
Check to see if any previously exported tracks are hiding at the bottom of the project window, and mute them, or solo the track your working on. :D