Using insert on 564


New member
HELP!! I cannot figure out how to use the insert on my 564. I want to insert a dbx 166 between the signal input and the on board eq, but the insert is a single output jack and the 166 has input / output. What gives?? Can the insert jack actually send and receive a signal??

Thanks for any help.

Yes you can. In the 564 manual it refers to a cable that allows you to do that. I think a stereo patch cable (TRS) will work, but I'm not sure. Then the dbx manual should have info regarding the hook up (it might be the side chain connection)

I'm looking into getting a compressor for my 564. Have you compared the 166 with others?

Mutt is correct, you need a 1/4" stereo TRS cable. The 1/4" TRS on one end, and a Y of 2 1/4" mono's on the other. One of the 1/4" mono's ends up being send, and the other receive.

[This message has been edited by Emeric (edited 03-27-2000).]
Thanks for the replies. Yesterday I located the answer in my Wedge manual. I actually do not have a 166 manual. Can anybody tell me where I can find one?????

I am new to compression and no, I have not compared it to any others. The only thing that almost kept me from getting the 166 was the fact that it has no XLR inputs. Is it ok to convert mic lines to 1/4" and send them into the compressor that way??

Well, you could I suppose but I wouldn't. You will lose some signal level this way, and all the advantages of balanced lines, as well you would be using the preamp on the compressor, which could be good or bad.

With the right cables - use the XLR/preamp input on your 564, a TRS cable pluged into the insert of that channel and your compressor in-between.

I checked out the 564 on tascams site, looks like a cool unit.
Another thing you could try using 2 normal 1/4" patchcords. Plug one end into the insert of the channel with the mic, halfway -to the first click. Plug the other end into the input of the compressor. Take the output of the compressor into a free channel on 564. I'm assuming it has 1/4" inputs as well.
I'm glad Emeric knows more about it than I do. Like I said, I'm thinking of getting a compressor for my 564. (And, yes, I think it's a cool unit, too! But, then again, I can't seem to get Cakewalk to do what I want it to and have no way of recording audio to my computer - plus I think the 564 is just plain a lot easier to use)

Question for Emeric:
Couldn't you also run a mono line from the effects #2 send to the compressor input, then from the comp. to the 1/4" input of a free channel and regulate the compression for mics plugged into channels 1 - 4 using the effects #2 control on each channel? (I realize it would be a post fader control, but would there be a noticable difference from using it via the insert connection?) The reason I ask is because I think that most of the compressors in my current price range are only one or two inputs.

Hey Mutt,

For compressors, noise gates and such, being serial processors they have to be "in-line" with the signal to work properly. So either using an insert, or a direct channel out and back in. In otherwords, one compressor for each signal (or group of signals, could be a submix or the main outputs on the board or something). Reverbs, Flanges and those types of effects (parallel) work fine with Aux's or Effects sends.

[This message has been edited by Emeric (edited 03-25-2000).]