Using external mic pre with existing mic pre.

Chris Jahn

New member
I use two Presonus fire pods as my interface between my mics and computer. They are as most of you know "prosumer" level products with mediocre mic pres at best. I am considering renting some high end potable tube mic pres for an upcoming project. My questions are A: will running the external pre amp into my Presonus pre amps harm them in any way? B: will running the signal of a high end mic pre into a crappy mic pre essentially make the fancy mic pre a moot point. Ie: will I lose all the benifits of the fancy one once it's processed through the Presonus. If the answers to either questions is yes, how can I work around it. Thanks for your help.

Your firepod expects microphone level over XRL and line level over TRS, so use trs cables to go into the firepod for matched/appropriate levels.

Having said that, I'm not 100% sure that the line inputs completely bypass the preamp as they do in some interfaces.

To be certain, plug anything into the line input, (even an e guitar will do), and adjust the gain to see if it has effect.
If it has no effect then you have a complete bypass of the preamp and your plan will work as you want it to.
I'm not in a spot were I can test that at the moment, but essentially your saying use the 1/4" jacks and that should/may bypass the pres?
Last dumb question. If I buy adapters to convert the xlr's to 1/4" or buy XLR female to 1/4 chords, that won't effect anything, right? Because obviously the output on the external pre is XLR, so I have to convert it. But if I follow what you saying its really just the jack that matters. The line input automatically (in most cases) bypasses the pre. So xlr converters, or XLR to 1/4" chords should be fine. Correct? Sorry, i know this forum gives me senior status, but that's only cause I signed up a million years ago, in reality I'm a new guy.
Yeah, that's cool.
Some preamps will have TRS out, but if not, the ideal cable is XLR male for your output to TRS for your input.

If you have to make that up with converters that's fine.

Out of interest, what are you renting? I found the firepod pres to be pretty nice for the money.
Universal Audio 610 solo. Read allot about it, want to try a couple. Kick, snare, guitars. I've been recording for several years with my current set up. I've gotten pretty good at fumbling my way through what I have (even if I still have novus questions) but there are some sounds that I can't accomplish and through allot of research and such I have determined that the next logical step in the front line of my recording chain would be high end tube pres. I've tried every mic placement out there, and I've borrowed decent mics and own a few standards, and my snare and "heavy" guitars never quite pack the punch I desire. So I'd like to experiment with this.
Cool. Best of luck with it.

If you get a taste for it, there are interfaces out there with pure line in only. Echo's audiofire range comes to mind.

Let us know how you go.
Yes, I have used all kinds of combinations. Marshall's, fenders, mesas, with varying combos of cabinets and guitars. And with snares, it's essentially the same. Differnt drums and differnt players. It's not all bad, I just want something extra and I'd like to try some nicer preamps as a piece of the puzzle. I don't subscribe to the idea that gear can solve your problems. But I think a slight bump in quality can't hurt? I'm looking for a snare sound that has allot of body, and guitars that sound very up front and roaring. And putting them "up" in the mix ain't doing it. Any thoughts? Thsnks