using external editing programs


New member
i have a dumb question, but i can't find the answer in the help docs. does sonar have the capability to "send" a wave to another program, such as sound forge, and then refresh the edited audio in the sonar project? or do i have to save the track separately, edit in sound forge, then re-open in sonar? thanks.
One of the beauty of SONAR / Cakewalk is you can do it without even have to close the host application (Cakewalk) :)

For example, if you install some external wave editor like Soundforge or CoolEdit Pro, they will appear in Tools menu within Cakewalk. So, if you select audio clip in Cakewalk, then pull down the Tolls menu, you'll get the option to use the external wave editor for the clip selected. Once it's clicked, you'll open the wave in external editor, and after you make necesarry editing and back to Cakewalk, you'll be prompted if you want to re-load the edited wave (clip).

Check this out...

Hope it helps...

thank you so much. very much appreciated.

edit: i am a convert from CEP2. sorry about the dumb question.